With days lengthening, weather improving, and excuses disappearing, I am pledging right here and now to get some moderation into my world and not allow this, "all or nothing" mentality to prevent a healthful lifestyle. Here are some ways I am easing myself back onto the Temt train!
- I'm counting walking as exercise! I've been at the ASCD preconference and conferencein San Francisco for the past 4 days and have been walking everywhere! I have often been guilty of an all or nothing attitude, berating myself for not "working out" and then not giving myself credit for walking as a form of exercise. Not anymore! I am walking with a coworker at a moderate pace at lunchtime for at least 20-30 minutes. I may not break out into a full-on sweat, but it is better than nothing!
- I am continuing my fun Zumba and Wii Active Fit II workouts on the weekend. Sometimes I don't think of "fun exercise" as really exercise. Can anyone relate to me on this or am I the only one with the ingrained, "No pain, no gain" complex?
- I'm planning my lunches and snacks better. I love healthy foods, yet sometimes salads and other healthy choices take more planning and preparation. I will get my lunch ready the night before and keep my healthy favorites, like cottage cheese and blueberries, on the ready!
- Finally, I am going to ease back into running. Instead of jumping into my car after a tutoring session that ends right in time for rush hour, I will take a 30 minute run and then slide into my car, nice and relaxed, for the commute home. If I do this on 2 weeknights, I will be able to get in 4 strong workouts a week. Not only will I be on a nice endorphin buzz, I will be less stressed and hopefully a more present partner. My husband will be thanking me I am sure!
Please share your stories with the readers here. If you are a Temt contributor, won't you take the time to write a post and update us on your progress toward your goals?